Top PEMF devices buyers guide, recommended for 2025 from over 10 years’ experience as well as what to avoid!

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Top PEMF devices buyers guide, recommended for 2025 from over 10 years’ experience as well as what to avoid!

Getting the right PEMF device for you can be a confusing and daunting experience, especially as the technology is not too cheap. To make a good PEMF device, it takes a lot of expensive copper and research to get the perfect magnetic field and all of this comes at a cost to the manufacturers and ultimately the end user. But getting the right PEMF device from day one can save you so much money in the long term and get you the results you deserve from the outset!

There are also many PEMF device reviews online that are super biased and we see more and more that are written by affiliates for certain companies that position the top mat as the one that makes them the most commission and they have no experience using a system themselves but only concerned for their own pockets. Usually these are the review sites that offer only the same cheaply made devices with different branded logos at the top of their mat and can easily be brought from Alibaba for a fraction of the cost. If the review site offers you a discount code to use, they are more than likely earning commission and their views may be swayed because of this. There is a lot of commission to be made for the affiliates of these devices as they are very cheaply made and sold for a high percentage more. We will come to this later, but these systems are a big ‘avoid’ for me for many reasons.

I have written this buyer guide and review of PEMF devices as a super experienced user and distributor of PEMF devices for over 10 years now. If it produces Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields, the likelihood is I have sat on it and used it at one point during this journey. But also, in 2014 a PEMF device would save my life and ultimately start me on this journey and why I am so passionate about PEMF technology and I have been using different PEMF devices on myself for over 10 years now. I will never recommend any PEMF device I have not had first-hand experience with, or use it on a very regular basis. I am also a host of the very popular podcast ‘ThePEMFPodcast’, which you can listen to on all the major platforms; including Spotify, Apple Music and YouTube. Head on over here to find all our latest episodes covering so many exciting topics as well as some super amazing guests from within the industry.

It’s also important to mention from the very outset that I am always honest and open about the reviews I write and although I distribute PEMF devices and I directly designed my own PEMF device from my many years of experience, I also include devices that I have absolutely no affiliation or financial incentives with, to make sure my reviews are as independent and un-biassed as possible as an expert in the PEMF field. There is so much mis-information we cannot trust online any more. I can only be as open as possible to my audience so; they are confident the advice I give is to my own experiences and directly following customer feedback and testimonials.

Number 1; CELLER8 Full Body Package

I still firmly believe, there still isn’t a ‘one size fits all’ with PEMF devices, in terms of intensity & frequency range, ease of use, design, portability and affordability; however, the CELLER8, in my opinion, is as close as it gets as an all-rounder PEMF device… and yes… this is the device I designed and manufacture from the ground up through my family medical business in the UK. It was specifically designed with the home user in mind, however professional users can still see some great results with this device too. With my many years of experience of PEMF devices I have, I knew there was a gap in the PEMF market for a device that ticks as many boxes as possible and this is where CELLER8 was born. It took over 6 years in development to bring it to market, due to the level of testing and tweaking that went into it, to get the perfect device with the cleanest magnetic wave we could produce and the results speak for themselves.

I use my CELLER8 full body package every morning without fail and the good thing about the CELLER8 is that the intensity is in the higher range compared to a lot of other home use PEMF devices in a similar price range, however it’s still perfectly safe to use within the home setting and also at a level that still allows you to stack it with other biohacking technologies, without the risk of interfering with them. As you move into the super high intensity devices, as I will mention later, you’re then less able to use these at the same time as other complimentary therapies. Customers in the past have stacked the CELLER8 full body PEMF device with head worn devices, such as the BrainTap but personally, I use mine with the CELLER8 full body Red Light panel, so that I can benefit from a full body PEMF and Red Light session at the same time. For me the PEMF benefits far outweigh the benefits that come from Red Light (also known as PBM or Photo Biomodulation therapy), but if you can stack two full body biohacking technologies together, then why not, as it saves time and you can also benefit from the anti-aging benefits of red-light therapy when exposed to skin.

The reason the CELLER8 is my daily go to PEMF device is for many reasons, but to name a few; it’s so easy to use and set up a session. It offers multiple frequencies in its pre-set programs so, our bodies do not get used to just using one each time. The programs are easy to follow and set up for each time of day rather than by medical condition, which other devices try to do. From experience this doesn’t make sense to me. Applying any frequency between the more natural range of 1-30Hz, generally will always have a positive outcome for the cells in the body, which in turn can help with a condition you may be using a PEMF device for. But using a higher frequency to the top end of 30Hz at the wrong time of day, in the evening for example, can affect your circadian rhythm or sleep cycle and that’s not the best outcome for any PEMF user. So, if you are using a PEMF device for a condition and its set to 40Hz for example and you use this later in the day, it won’t help you when it comes to switching off. This is why I designed the CELLER8 to prioritise the circadian rhythm based on the brainwave frequencies at specific times of day, as a priority over programs that may be more condition specific, but the outcome for chronic illnesses or general health is still the same.

The device also comes with two parts; the full body mat and the localised applicator, which doubles up as the control unit. The full body mat has 12 coils in it, spaced around for maximum body coverage and the localised applicator has one coil in it, but its smaller and more targeted with double the intensity. Both are powered by the rechargeable battery in the controller and therefore can be strapped on and applied for longer sessions when you pick up a niggle or injury, while you still go about your day as normal. Another great hack with the CELLER8 controller is to use it under your pillow at night on the ‘Night mode’, which harnesses the delta (1-4Hz) frequencies and for me it literally puts me to sleep as someone with a very busy mind.

The coils used inside the full body mat are also very important and unique to the CELLER8 and years of research went into make these as effective as possible by maximising the ‘weber’ across the mat, which is not the strength (Gauss) but the spread of the magnetic field across the entire mat. These days, you can easily and cheaply create a high gauss (the magnetic strength reading) using small and less effective coils, but the weber value and spread of the magnetic field is becoming more essential to users for results and the CELLER8 has nailed it in this aspect.

The waveform on the CELLER8 is also so important and something you cannot see on commercial mats unless you have thousands of dollars of testing equipment. The ‘slew rate’ of the square wave it produces is so well done, it has the potential to maximise the benefits of each session on the cells in the body, without needing to be in the super high intensity range of PEMF devices. Lastly, with the waveform, there is no way possible that it produces ‘dirty electricity’ as is mentioned by some experts in the field with some commercially available PEMF devices. This is because the PEMFs are produced by the internal battery and not directly from the wall outlet. The wall plug is only used to charge the battery and then the battery powers the system, therefore the waveform is as clean as it possibly can be, making perfect harmony with our bodies.

In summary, in terms of the portability, usability, coil coverage, design and quality, field intensity and harmonious frequencies it produces as well as the more affordable price for the average and elite home user, the CELLER8 sits at the top of my tree and will always be my daily PEMF device for the foreseeable. The benefit of stacking it with other technologies too, like a good red light panel for example makes it the best all round PEMF device in my opinion. 

Number 2; Hugo Intense and Pro

The Hugo INTENSE and PRO versions are my close 2nd top PEMF devices out there, especially when the user is looking for POWER! When I need an extra kick in terms of intensity, this is my go-to device. I do a lot of training as a garage gym and CrossFit enthusiast and I can be super clumsy at times. Naturally I pick up the odd injury from over training or tripping over some weights left out! This is when the Hugo devices come in super handy and I have one of these set up at our offices and I will jump on this in the morning for a boost of high intensity PEMFs.

I genuinely believe, from experience over the years using various PEMF devices, that the overall outcome and therapeutic effect of lower intensity (50-100 gauss) devices are very similar to higher intensity (3,000 - 10,000 gauss) devices so, why would the user invest in the more expensive, higher intensity device I hear you ask? Well, that comes down the personal preference and the setting it’s being used in a lot of the time as well as an immediate pain blocking response, which I will come to.

The lower intensity devices on the market, do not usually evoke a physical response from the muscles, therefore the users generally cannot feel anything happening. For us to show the user what it’s doing you can normally get a response from a good PEMF device using a test magnet. Similar to a fridge magnet but one that’s in a casing so that it responds to the magnetic fields and you can hear it moving. Alternatively, through a dark field microscope, you can show a user their blood cells before and after 10 minutes on a good, lower intensity PEMF mat and the immediate benefits it has to the blood and cells in the body. But not everyone has these means and some PEMF users prefer to feel something happening during their PEMF session and this is where the power comes in. Higher intensity PEMF devices will make our muscles twitch and respond to the frequencies produced by the applicators. As a placebo effect, some users will prefer this feeling each time the get on their system and they prefer to feel this kicking or knocking effect on their body throughout.

But as I mentioned before, the research and evidence does not suggest that these higher intensities are more effective at ultimately healing the body or making the cells respond differently. However, what I have found is that higher intensity devices tend to have more of an immediate analgesic effect than lower intensity devices. Therefore, users will feel more of a pain numbing effect on the area being treated immediately after one session, then they may feel on the lower intensity devices. both products are creating the perfect environment within the body to heal, but the higher intensity, usually has more of an immediate effect on pain whereas lower intensity is felt more so when the area is healing. This is why I often recommend higher intensity devices are usually better suited in the professional setting as, the user will only see their specialist maybe once a week and therefore they want to get the most out of a single session, especially when it comes to pain. So, with all these benefits, what are the cons of the higher intensity Hugo devices…

The more common issue with higher intensity devices is the price. With more power, comes more copper needed and much heavier duty components to power the applicators. So, these devices tend to be higher cost and less mobile as well as clumsier to use and often lack the ability to choose a specific frequency. The Hugo devices specifically, are also spark gap technology. Which, doesn’t affect the results, the end users get, but it does mean that every 3 years (ish), the spark chambers need to be replaced at the cost of up to about 1,000 bucks. A small price to pay in my opinion to the benefits these devices provide. Also, super high intensity devices need to be used with more caution. There are still no known side effects of using PEMFs, even at the very high intensities, but I have managed to demagnetise a few credit cards in the past when I use high intensity, so there is a risk of damage to other electronic components, meaning you can’t stack these sessions with other biohacking technologies as you can with the lower intensity devices and as I mentioned, I stack my daily PEMF session with a red light panel too. Living in the UK, I don’t see a lot of morning sun and I really enjoy my PEMF and red light sessions. But if you have the budget to have both high and low intensity PEMF devices, they work well and complement each other at different times.

Number 3; Pulse PEMF

As I mentioned before, some of these PEMF devices I have zero affiliation with, which includes the PulsePEMF device, but this is one I have to give a mention to in my top devices. PulsePEMF are more prevalent in the USA but they are expanding into many countries now. I have met them at a number of trade shows and I never pass an opportunity to jump on one of their devices for a quick high intensity boost. As well as the trade shows I know of a few UK wellness centres that have a PulsePEMF device and they often sing their praises with the results they get with them for the chronically ill or those elites wanting to find the extra 1%

These guys haven’t cut any corners with their devices and have made them look and feel super professional. They also have multiple different shapes and sizes with their localised and full body applicators so, the professional user has lots of options to call upon with trickier clients and expands the applications and settings these can be used in. I wouldn’t necessarily recommend one of these devices in the home setting, but that’s not to say I don’t know a few users with the budget that have one of these in their wellness rooms within their mansions! The obvious downside to these devices is the cost per unit if you want their top of the range bit of kit, but they are starting to introduce smaller and more compact versions but at the expense of slightly less power outputs.

We often see higher intensity devices like this in a professional setting, but lower intensity devices and ones that are more affordable are also an option for these guys, but maybe in different ways. Those elite PEMF advocates tend to call on the higher intensity devices within their offering but then recommend their end users go out and buy a lower and more affordable PEMF device to use at home in between their high intensity sessions with them. For me, this is the ultimate key to extremely quick results with PEMFs. Alternatively, to this, if you only have budget for a lower intensity full body device, then try stacking it with other technologies, such as a red light panel, or even with your massage techniques at the same time, if you want to maximise a session with a client and accelerate results.

Number 4; OSKA Pulse

The OSKApulse device is also in my arsenal of PEMF devices and that’s down to its simplicity and ease of use more than anything. Its one I recommended to a lot of users that are being introduced to PEMFs and maybe at the start of their journey as it really takes out any confusion from the technology. This device literally has one button to start it and it will either run a PEMF session for 90 or 180 minutes, depending on the version you have opted for. Its so easy to strap on and forget that its there and for localised problems like injuries or knee arthritis for example, its real a winner.

I often see users of PEMF devices not getting the results as the device they have does not fit into their busy lives well and they simply don’t use it as often as they should or at all. Finding a device that seamlessly fits into your routine is essential and I don’t know anyone that cannot incorporate an OSKA device into their day effectively as you just strap it on, press one button and away you go and the battery tends to hold up for days.

The drawbacks for this device is that its quite a low intensity and therefore the session time should be 90 minutes at least, to get tangible results, but as I say, with a device you can just forget is there, this isn’t usually an issue for me or the customers I have recommended these to in the past. It also runs multiple different frequencies throughout it’s one and only program so, the body will utilise those frequencies that it needs. That also does limit it to the brain states throughout the day and does not prioritise the circadian rhythm, but when we consider this device is more for localised problems, this also doesn’t really become and issue for the user in the evenings and some even use the OSKA for sleep under the pillow, the same way you would use the CELLER8 controller as mentioned before.

Number 5; FlexPulse

The FlexPulse is the brainchild of one of Dr Pawluk’s bit of kit. I don’t know his exact level of involvement but I was good friends and business partners with one of Dr Pawluk’s team from the Netherlands a few years back and he told me that a lot of what went in to the FlexPulse programs was influenced by Dr Pawluk and his involvement with the specific frequencies in each program.

The more unique feature of the FlexPulse to other PEMF devices, is that is has a much wider frequency range and goes up to 1,000Hz. In PEMFs we tend to lean towards the lower and more natural frequencies of 1-30Hz, around the earth’s frequency of 7.8Hz so, why would we have the ability to use such high frequency levels in the FlexPulse? This has been related to some studies that looked at the outcome of these higher frequencies on depression and migraines when applied to the head with amazing results. Again, this doesn’t suggest that applying lower frequencies to the head doesn’t have similar, if not the same outcome, but this is relatable to double blind studies that proved these worked.

The treatment of migraines and depression using PEMFs was added to the FDA of recommended technologies in 2013 and the FlexPulse is a great way to apply these frequencies with the smaller applicators that come with it. These applicators are great for on-the-spot sessions of PEMFs and to a relatively high intensity for a battery-operated device too, however this does come at a slight cost with the general battery life of the device. Also, these applicators act as more of a consumable as they do break after around 6 months of regular use. The last downside to this unit is that the applicators are on the end of long wires and can get in the way when you apply it on the move. So, its not quite as user friendly as say the OSKApulse or CELLER8 when using on the spot, but it does give the user more access to slightly higher intensities and a wider range of frequencies compared to a lot of other localised PEMF devices.

Why is a device not listed in my top 5 PEMF devices and why you should avoid them?

There can be a number of reasons a PEMF device you know of, is not on my list, and that can be for good or bad reasons. I don’t like to put anyone off buying a PEMF device and I honestly believe that even having a bad PEMF device is better than not having one at all. Therefore, I never usually name and shame brands, but I do try and steer users to the better devices on the market so, they can get the best and quickest result and spread the positive messages of PEMF.

Having the correct certifications

Some PEMF devices are simply not on my list as they don’t have the right certifications in some countries to be commercialised and sold. For example, in the UK you must have an in-date CE certification for any electronic device to be sold here. CE is an extensive and expensive certification to undergo and therefore its avoided by a lot of manufacturers, but this then means the device hasn’t undergone the correct testing to be sold safely to home users without supervision and therefore through my business NewMed Ltd, we will not and cannot represent any of these devices and I don’t tend to recommend them personally.

              Multi-therapy full body PEMF, near infrared, negative ion mats

There are many PEMF brands on the market that come under this bracket and some of those are the most successful PEMF brands currently, selling in most countries. These brands offer multi therapy modalities with their full body mats a lot of the time and they are easy to spot as they all look the same but have different colours and logos at the top of their mats. They are all being manufactured in China and although this alone is not a reason to avoid one, they are, in my opinion not great PEMF devices for many reasons. If you type in ‘PEMF mat’ into the store, you will find the actual Chinese manufacture of these devices and you can pick them up for a fraction of the cost, but beware of the shipping and import fees directly from China. However, at these lower costs, I still wouldn’t recommend one as a PEMF mat to rely on. They are so much bigger and heavier than they look in the photos, making them near impossible to move around.

They also use magnetic ferrite rod technology, instead of the more established copper ring coils used in PEMF mats for many years and have been used in the major PEMF studies and papers over the years. Ferrite rods are used in these mats as they tend to be a more cost-effective way of producing higher gauss readings, but much lower weber across a mat, as mentioned before. So, as well as giving a much smaller magnetic field in these rods, in another attempt to save cost, a lot of these mats only offer 4 of these ferrite rods across their entire full body mat, therefore the actual spread of magnetic fields is pretty pathetic in a lot of them.

The other modalities in these mats, I won’t go into in depth as this is a PEMF review, but I can report that the common phrase ‘a jack of all trades, a master of none’, cannot be more prevalent here. Their near infrared technology for example usually includes around 8 LEDs spread across the entire mat. Compare this to the CELLER8 full body red light panel, which has 840 LEDs. As well as this lack of numbers, a red-light therapy expert friend of mine told me they measured the irradiance (the strength) of the LEDs in these multi therapy PEMF mats and found that the irradiance from most Christmas tree lights were stronger. So, in summary, I would steer clear of these multi therapy mats. Maybe in time, these will evolve and be more of a force to be reckoned with, but right now, the Alibaba PEMF mats get a thumbs down from me.

MLM or Multi Level Marketing PEMF brands.

Although some of these devices are actually good PEMF brands and very well established, I don’t include them on my recommendations for a few reasons. Just for clarity, a MLM PEMF brand is a PEMF manufacturer that uses multi-level marketing techniques that generally breed aggressive and biassed PEMF sellers. This includes brands that incentivise anyone who buys one of their PEMF devices to join their pyramid scheme and sell their brand to others including friends and family to earn commission as part of a pyramid where you can raise the ranks based on numbers. I truly believe that if a PEMF brand is worth selling to your family, you don’t need to be paid to do that, as for sure it will skew your recommendation and motives. Just the results you get on a good PEMF device, we see customers recommending to friends and family naturally as they want to see them get these results too.

When I was fresh faced in the PEMF industry after PEMF changed and saved my life, I also sold one of these brands through the NewMed online store. Not directly, but through one of their UK sellers. When the manufacturer of this MLM brand found out we were selling their mats alongside other PEMF brands they immediately told me that I must either stop selling their device or drop all the other brands. They have very strict rules with their sellers and the way their brand is marketed to make claims that other brands could be dangerous to users. This not only damages the PEMF industry as a whole but it creates a very biassed view within their selling network and this goes against everything I stand for. We very quickly dropped this brand and I now distance myself from them for these reasons. But as I say, it’s a shame, as the products themselves are not the worst. The issue for me also is that there are many hands to feed in the process of buying one of these mats, therefore the price of them, are generally quite high, compared to the actual technical capabilities of these mats and their intensities are generally in the super low range.

I hope this PEMF reviews write up has been useful for you and I will try and keep it updated for each year that goes by with up to date and relevant information on the best PEMF devices out there and the ones to save your money with. Check out ‘ThePEMFPodcast’ for recent and relevant episodes that include PEMF as a whole as well as amazing guests and stories from end users of PEMF devices around the globe!


Please note that all the advice given in this review are from my own experiences and from customer feedback. It is not intended to replace any medical advice and if you have any medical concerns, you must speak with your GP or Doctor in the first instance. I have mentioned it in this review also, but I do own a PEMF specific business and although I try and be as unbiassed and honest as possible, some of the devices I recommend, the business I own will benefit from financially.